The Blake Gastroenterology Membership Plan 

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We are all in need of quality healthcare and unchallenged access, especially when the need arises for ourselves or one of our love ones

This plan provides exactly that. It will give you the peace of mind to know that you have direct, unfiltered access to both a specialist (internal medicine) and subspecialist (gastroenterologist) when the need arises

The plans are affordable and of high quality. Review the plan's details and become a member today. It's easy, quick, and renewable each year. Blake Gastroenterology is looking forward to being at your service as your personal physician

There are a limited number of memberships available. I encourage you to be among the first

The Blake Gastroenterology Membership 

Why is this membership ideal to have? 

In the metro-Philadelphia area it can take up to 12 months plus to acquire a gastroenterology appointment! When you're having a problem, you prefer to be seen as expeditiously as possible

Approximately 50 - 75% of visits of a patient to their primary care physician/provider is for a gastrointestinal complaint; stomach pains, nausea & vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, rectal bleeding, black bowel movement, poor appetite, heartburns/indigestion, pain swallowing, difficulty swallowing, unexplained weight loss, & etc. 

The answer is the "Blake Gastroenterology Membership". Please review the perks of the plan and sign up today. Call to start the process; 215.849.4902. You won't be disappointed. We provide compassionate, trusting, and quality medical services; incomparable to any other practices

Silver Plan

$699 per Annum
  • Office hours only
  • Annual Physical
  • CT Scan Referral
  • 2 office visits per year
  • Colonoscopy ($500/EGD ($450)
  • 50% off for colonics

Gold Plan

$999 per Annum
  • Reachable by cell (M-F 8am to 10pm)
  • Annual physical
  • CT Scan Referral
  • 2 office visits per year
  • Colonoscopy ($500/EGD ($450)
  • 2 colonics per year

Black Plan

$1999 per Annum
  • Rechable by cell (M-F 24hrs/day)
  • Annual Physical
  • CT Scan Referral
  • 4 office visits per year
  • All procedures ($250)
  • 4 colonics per year

Appointments can be provided expeditiously (less than or equal to 72 hours)All plans must be paid in full to receive quoted prices for procedure

Blake Gastroenterology Services Membership (*Receive Urgent Appointments!

  1. Silver: $699.00 per annum or Gold: $999.00 reachable by cell M-F (8 am 10 pm) or Black: $1999 reachable by cell M-F (24 hours/day)
  2. Annual Physical to include a gastroenterology focus, FIT test (polyps/colon cancer), collection of blood for labs (to include, if warranted, Hemoglobin Alc (HgbA1c) and Prostate specific antigen (PSA), urine analysis, & EKG; 
  3. CT Scan of chest with low dose contrast ordered for individuals with history of smoking; RE: Screening for early Lung Cancer
  4. Two additional visits per year (for GI reasons &/or low-level non-GI reasons basic internal medicine); if third visit requested, pay a minimum fee, $100.00
  5. *Appointments can be provided expeditiously (less than or equal to 72 hours
  6. Covers the time/work required to obtain prior authorizations: Medicines and procedures beyond colonoscopy & EGD; granting is based entirely on the insurance plan
  7. Collection of all labs performed here at our facility and sent to the appropriate/various labs to complete and report results; insurance will be utilized. Uninsured patients would be required to visit the labs collection sites and will be responsible for cost
  8. When time for colonoscopy screenings or urgent need between screenings or EGD if needed, performed for a fee of $500.00 vs standard $800.00
  9. Who benefits most from this type of plan:
    - Insured individual with a primary care physician (non-concierge), but desire their personal gastroenterologist;
    - Uninsured individual and no physician;
    - Uninsured individual with a primary care physician (concierge service) and desire a similar relationship with a personal gastroenterologist

Blake Gastroenterology Membership Policy 

  1. No Refunds on payments collected
  2. Lack of payment will place your membership in suspended status (i.e. unable to schedule appointments).
  3. Late payments will incur a late payment fee of 10%
  4. All outside referral(s) cost will be responsibility of the patient (i.e. use of insurance or out of pocket cost)
  5. Patient(s) can reschedule appointments as needed; request you call to cancel as soon as you realize you can't keep the appointment
  6. Patients can be expelled from the membership for inappropriate or violent behavior(s); without refund of payments